Miguel Cabrera
• In 2013 vs 2012, he is hitting better off curves (16% of swings are hits/sacs vs 13% last season), cutters (27% vs 16%), and sliders (20% vs 15%). Changeup regressing slightly (16.5% vs 18.2%)
• His hole was below the knees and outer half – he got no hits off 14 swings there. In 2012 he also had this hole: got 7 hits off his 130 swings there.
• Interestingly, he swung at 40% of the first pitch (vs 28% ML avg). Below are his first-pitch strikes (pitchers view) that emphasizes how often he swings at first-pitches in the zone (and inside):

• 2013 hot/cold zones: below are shown from the pitchers view. In 2013 he really improved by not chasing 2-strike pitches above/away/below the zone as much. He covers all areas of the plate and is mostly challenged in the top third of the zone. He also rarely strikes out looking (the uncircled dots in the right image).

• 2012 hot/cold zones: compared to 2013 was more challenged by pitches below the zone, away beyond the zone, and up above the zone. This year he is being more selective against balls – and so hitting into outs there less often and striking out there less often:

• Monthly Splits: he improved vs both RHP and vs LHP in 2013. He is just crushing LHP with .697 OBP and .513 SLG in 39 PA.

Michael Trout
• Hit curves well: .545 BABIP (.321 is avg). When he swings at a curve it is a hit 35% of the time – which is better than 22% in 2012.
• Hit well down/away in the zone: hits 24% of swings there vs 16% ML avg
• Laid off pitches above the zone: swung at only 10% of 68 pitches there (34% is avg)
• Hole: below the knees and away half: got hits on only 4% of the 22 swings there
• 2013 hot/cold zones: below are shown from the pitchers view. He is able to hit FB inside the zone on his hands. He crushes sliders down the center line of the plate, but strikes out if they are just outside of the zone.

• 2012 hot/cold zones: compared to 2013 was more challenged by pitches inside on the hands, and more successful off pitches below the zone.

• Worse category in 2013: when hitting groundballs it is an out more often (57% vs 48%)…and he is hitting groundballs more often (57% vs 48%). When he hits a groundball it is to the left of 2nd base 75% of the time. Below are his groundballs only 2013 (left) and 2012 (right).
• Monthly Splits: he improved vs LHP in 2013 (.289/.386/.500 vs .267/.368/.493) but degraded off RHP (.275/.356/.522 vs .346/.411/.588)